Once upon a time there were two people who loved each other and loved Jesus, had a wonderful son, and wanted to adopt a child. First, they thought they would be adopting from Guatemala. But no. Then, they thought they would be adopting from Ethiopia. But God again said no (not this time anyway! : )).
Instead, He clearly led them to adopt domestically. In an unusual series of events, he led them to a child and a birthmom--but at the last possible moment, the mom backed out of the adoption.
They were heartbroken. But they continued to trust that God had their little girl handpicked, and they were willing to wait on His perfect timing.
Almost one month later, they got a phone call. Just to pray. Just a possibility.
But before they knew it, they were driving to meet a mom, hold a baby, and sign some papers. On the way to that meeting, their social worker called and asked them, "The mom wants to know how soon you could take the baby?" Christy, eyes wide, turned to Josh and said, "Hit the gas!!!"
It happened fast.
On the morning of Sunday, April 3rd, Josh was asking for prayer about a potential situation.
By the evening of Sunday, April 3rd, he and Christy were parents to beautiful Karis Kellan Waulk. And Trevor was officially a big brother!!
But sometimes, it still includes a princess and a happily ever after.

Welcome home, Karis!
(Read the whole story and follow their continued journey on their family blog, Hope in Things Unseen.)
Aww...congratulations to their family! Beautiful story!
I love the stories the LORD writes!! As Piper would say .. A Sweet & Bitter Providence :)
As I rocked little Miss Sweetness to sleep last night, I could only think about how ridiculously blessed we are. Adoption is not an easy path, but it is SO worth it!
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