I'm so excited!! We have a winner!!! As you can see from the pictures, Josh could hardly contain his enthusiasm for helping me pick a winner for my giveaway. (He actually was thankful to get any excuse to take a break from school...that is his excited look.)
(Doesn't he kind of look like Matt Damon in this picture, just not blonde and alot younger? Is it just me? Or maybe that guy from Chuck...what's his name?...Chuck? Sorry, back on task...) I don't know about you, but I can't quite make out that name. Let's look a little closer, shall we?...
Since I know and love Barbara, I can just picture her screaming out loud and jumping up and down right now!!! (I will have to call Mr. Larry later to see if I was right. : ))
I wrote a little about this incredible lady here. You can go stop by her blog here, and say hi. And don't forget to check back after a while to see what kind of AWESOME header Jenn makes for her!
As for introductions: Barbara, this is Jenn. Jenn, this is Barbara. You two will love each other!
Those of you who participated, thank you for entering! I love meeting new folks through these giveaways--it's one of my favorite things. And thank you, Jenn for my new blog! I love it!!